Flashcard Factory just emailed us to let us know that the export to Quizlet will no longer be supported as of December 5th. The rest of Flashcard Factory will still work as it has, but you will no longer be able to export the cards to Quizlet. They will be adding the ability to create some type of printable flashcard on December 5th, but we do not know what that looks like yet. Please reach out to one of the Instructional Technology Specialists if you have any other questions.
Below is the message from Quizlet.
Quizlet Export, ending 12/05
The option to export Flashcard Sets to Quizlet will no longer be available after December 05, 2019. This change was driven by decisions made unilaterally by Quizlet to end support for image imports and require student logins to review and study flashcards. We regret that Quizlet was unable to provide alternate options to support the integration. This change will only impact future exports. If you have exported Sets in the past, they will still be available in Quizlet.
If you have questions or concerns, please write to help@peardeck.com!
Coming December 05, 2019: There will be a new way to review student-created Flashcard Sets.
Print Flashcards, available 12/05
Access your Flashcards as a printable page and review offline. Teachers will be able to access approved Flashcard Sets from the Sessions tab when logged into Pear Deck Home. Choose the Session to print the cards for studying in class. You can also share a link to the printable page with students, post it to Google Classroom, or add it to the class newsletter for parents to print and study with students at home.
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