HCSD Chromebook Pilot Process and Application
The HCSD Chromebook pilot looks to evaluate Chromebooks as a viable student technology in both the 1:1 and shared environments.Pilot Program Particulars
- Three classroom sets of chromebooks will be distributed throughout the course of the pilot
- Each teacher will have 100% access to a classroom Chromebook cart for 8 weeks
- We will select 3 teachers for session 1 (10/20 - 12/21) and 3 teachers for the session 2 (1/4 - 3/11)
- The pilot program is open to all teachers who submit an application
- Selection process will be based on application to achieve a representative group of all types of users
- Support will be provided throughout
Chromebook Pilot Timeline
Program Requirements/Time commitments
Upon applying for this program please keep in mind that all selected candidates must do the following:
- Attend training sessions on October 19th and December 14th
- Fill out a midterm reflection form
- Complete final reflection and data collection survey and interview
Please fill out this application to apply for the chromebook pilot Chromebook Pilot ApplicationPlease contact Jacquie Gilmore with any questions pertaining to the Chromebook pilot program and application process.