MW French Cuisine and Comics on Circulation - Cadet Tech

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

MW French Cuisine and Comics on Circulation

Exciting student projects in production at Merton Williams!

French Cuisine!
First, Mrs. Herbert's French class piloted using Adobe Voice on their iPads to share French cuisine. The students viewed a sample from Northwood's Toy Project and also Mrs. Herbert's model video. They gathered images and made them professional looking using the Canva app. They worked in collaborative groups to create the video and included the recipe, the region it came from with interesting facts, the ingredients and basic cooking directions. Since these are early French speakers, some of the speaking is in  French (especially the food vocabulary) and some was in English. They did a great job of ensuring all students found images and participated in the recordings. Below is one sample from Zack, Aaron and Lucas.

Pathway of Blood Comic Book
Cheryl Sugrue and Angela Boccuzzi-Reichert teamed up to try a new way to demonstrate student learning. In the past students created booklets showing the path that blood takes as it travels through the heart and lungs before traveling through the body and back to repeat the cycle. Students had a variety of tools to create their drawings including pencils and paper, Notability, and other drawing apps. They used Comic Maker App to host their comics then shared them to Google Classroom as Google Slides. Note: Cheryl and Angela recommend using a different comic creation app or website since the free version of Comic Maker doesn't allow easy sharing of student work. Jacquie and several teachers have found Powtoons to be very useful for a project like this. 

See Kyle's Comic and Bryce's Comic (in PDF).

Here are some handouts Cheryl Sugrue shared via Google Classroom

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