Chromebook Charging Station Mixtape Throwdown - Cadet Tech

Friday, November 9, 2018

Chromebook Charging Station Mixtape Throwdown

We are throwing out a Flipgrid Mixtape Throwdown!

Here is how it works... Make a sweet Mixtape from your favorite Flipgrid responses, toss us a link to your Flipgrid Mixtape, get a chance to win a Chromebook charging station for your classroom!

Mixtape submissions are due by Friday November 16th @ 8:00am next week - Winner announced by 3:30pm

What is a Mixtape you ask??

Flipgrid Mixtapes allow you to pull your favorite student responses from multiple Flipgrid topics and grids and pool them into a common shareable space.
Head on over to our blog post to get the deets on how to create one here:

Send us your Mixtape

Email your link to Tony, Jason or Jacquie (whoever supports you) and say "Hey! here is my mixtape"

Queue Mic Drop...

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