Castle Learning Users: Go Beyond the Test - Cadet Tech

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Castle Learning Users: Go Beyond the Test

If you are a Castle Learning user, this post may help you to dive deeper into the needs of your students.

Castle Learning is a great review tool, especially with end of the year exams right around the corner. Many Castle Learning users do not know that you can go deep into the analytics of Castle Learning questions and use other tools to make your life easier.

Castle Learning Data

Castle Learning can provide you with more than just an assignment score, but you can find out how students are doing based on question types, question style, blooms level, or a unit of content being assessed.

·         Castle Learning data can be provided based on 
o   Question type
o   Topic
o   Tag/Nat’l Standard
o   Difficulty Level
o   Bloom’s Level
o   Document Type (quote, graph, cartoon, diagram, etc.)
o   C3/Common Core

It is a simple three step process.

Step 1: Click Assignments

Step 2: For the corresponding assignment, click the magnifying class and paper (might be green, red or white)

Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

On this following page, there are charts and info, all of which is malleable, that tells you the strengths and weaknesses of your students. 

You can set your threshold on top to see if students are meeting the standard you set for them. This will adjust what appears in scary red or calming blue. 

This personally saved my life years ago when I came to find out that my students were weak on a particular unit and on a particular skill, so I could focus my review and adjust for the next year. 

Vocabulary Lists/Study Guides Are Automatically Created on Castle Learning

This is a tool that only exists to make your life easier. If you are ever looking for a quick vocabulary list, an answer to students who ask what will be on the test, or if you need a study guide to satisfy an IEP, Castle Learning has you covered!

There are two ways to access this. The first is in the assignment itself, click "Display/Print" and click "Vocabulary". Then click print and the website will create a vocabulary list based on the test in the format of a PDF. Then either save and share or print. Remember, all old regents exams are also on Castle Learning, so this will also help to follow the vocabulary trends. 

If the assignment has already been given, you can access a vocabulary sheet of terms from questions that students struggled with. If you are looking to reteach anything, this list may also help. 

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