Teachers and Students Star in iMovie - Cadet Tech

Monday, March 14, 2016

Teachers and Students Star in iMovie

iMovie is an easy to use tool that can be used for a variety of applications. Teachers can use it to create exciting intros to a new topic, to teach a lesson, or to showcase student work. This app is FREE on district iPads. If you search and it is NOT free then please put this on the job list. If it's a shared classroom/cart iPad then note that also.

The first group of teachers created iMovie trailers and videos using their iPads. Check out their great work. Thank you to these teachers for sharing their videos:
  • Quest - Paige Langswager, Heidi Reese
  • Village - Aimmie Cummings 
  • Northwood - Ed Donnelly (final video was made on a Mac), Jen Roberts
  • Merton - Nicole Allen-Hickey, Tait Loe, Sara Meyers, Jim Reichert, Angela Boccuzzi-Reichert, Jen Jordan, Cherie Lohrman
  • High School - Katie Cala, Kate Gilmore-Tep, Scott Michel

Students have also been creating iMovie videos as book trailers, to demonstrate a skill, to showcase their project or to demonstrate their learning.

Johnna Roman and Angela Boccuzzi-Reichert had their students work in groups create Roaring Twenties Newscasts. 

The 1920's was a time of cultural, economic and political change. Students investigated the wonderful nonsense of the 1920's to create an authentic newscast of the times. 

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