Virtual Pen Pals Shorten the Distance for ELA Lesson - Cadet Tech

Friday, April 15, 2016

Virtual Pen Pals Shorten the Distance for ELA Lesson

Loni Butlin's kindergarten class has taken "pen pals" to a whole new level with a class in Livingston County, Alabama! The new friends touch base either weekly or bi-weekly for a shared lesson or activity based on recent lessons that have been taught in both classes. Some of our favorite activities have included students reading to each other, learning new songs, playing rhyming games, mystery number, and having the teachers taking turns leading a math or ELA lesson for the combined classes. This is taking collaborating to a whole new level and we are getting to the point where the students are beginning to feel more comfortable exchanging ideas through conversation while also encouraging one another when they get answers correct. These two teachers are redefining their lessons and creating opportunities for their students to collaborate in ways not possible in the past. It is inspiring to see such young students take hold of this opportunity and be such great students to a teacher in a different time zone!

This is 21st century teaching at its finest and can be utilized in a number of unique ways that not only remains goal directed, but also transforms your classroom!

If you are interested in trying to get connected in this way and give your students an opportunity to collaborate with a class in a new part of the country please reach out to your school instructional support teacher to help.

Here is a clip of our Quest student playing "Take out the Trash" with the Kindergarten friends in Alabama. The goal is to say which word does not fit:

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