Communication, Reflection and All Kinds of Assessment with ReCap - Cadet Tech

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Communication, Reflection and All Kinds of Assessment with ReCap

Quick Videos with ReCap.

Recap allows students to record video responses or create quick videos up to two minutes, and as short as fifteen seconds. This tool is ideal for using videos in non-project or mini-project assignments. Maybe you don't want students to dedicate too much time to editing or making videos more professional, but maybe you just want a quick raw video alternative. Recap is your solution.

ReCap is software by Swivl. We also have a number of Swivls that work with devices for recording if you want to kick it up an additional notch.

I will lead off with a few ideas (though I can't wait to hear yours)...

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas
  • Speaking conversations in LOTE
  • Opinion sharing
  • Book reviews
  • Quick skits recorded (history or English)
    • (As a history teacher, we used ReCap for students showing the changing of borders on video and to create propaganda commercials).
  • Phys Ed tutorials on mechanics/form
  • Explaining, showing, or tutoring in literally anything
  • Free feedback on books/stories/readings
  • Showing art techniques
  • Music performances
  • Read alouds and alongs

I Want In!

1. Logon to the ReCap website, Chrome App, or iOs App 
2. Sign in as a teacher using your GA account (this will allow for easy Google Classroom integration)

3. Add a class (or classes, or individual sets)

4. Click "Add Recap"

Here you have the chance to add your questions. Type a topic title for your question(s) and type your questions or instructions in the box below.

ReCap will let you add up to ten questions in an assignment. You can also record instructions or an example by clicking record video. This technique might allow for a more conversational assignment or if you would like to give added instructions (or if you are a better speaker than typist)

6. Click next to set up the assignment. Here you can roll out your questions or instructions to the whole class, or just specific students. You can also adjust the maximum recording time (15s, 30s, 60s, or two minutes), and you can set a due date. You can also set up a feedback system if you'd like to acknowledge that you watched the videos.

Getting Students Signed Up Is Super Easy 

When students go to the website, they sign up as a student using the automatic signup with their google accounts. 

Regardless of what type of registration you have selected, there will be a join pin. Soon as students are given the join pin, they are in the class and ready to learn!


Grading is particularly easy, you can provide three levels of feedback on the site itself, but it is easy to watch the videos and grade them according to your own rubric. The assignment will come with a teacher panel that allows you to watch all the videos without clicking in and out of pages.

Just a quick link to a great article on ReCap if you are interested, from iPad Educators

The fine people from the FMS Tech Squad also put this video together regarding ReCap.

UPDATE: ReCap just unleashed a Beta 2.0 Version. The update includes the option to create "Journeys". Journeys multiple step ReCap videos that allows you to create videos, or pull videos from YouTube, Discovery, and several other sites.

In order to create a journey, click "Create Journey" next to the Add recap button and follow the steps. This allows you to record instructions or stick with typed prompts, and to add a few pages to the journey. Still super easy, now three times as powerful. You could do entire lessons through a Journey.

Please please please let your friendly local Instructional Tech Teacher know if you need any assistance with this tool, or if you would like to set up a co-teaching opportunity.

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