Google Forms and QR in the Classroom! - Cadet Tech

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Google Forms and QR in the Classroom!

QR codes can be an amazing tool for students. Since QR codes link to any URL you can virtually make anything a QR code!

Sean D'Abreu has started a trend mashing up QR Codes and Google Forms. We built a slick workflow where students scan in the QR code and submit which assignment they are missing and why. The Google Form then compiles all of the information and generates an email merge that pulls from a database of emails associated with that student. As soon as a student submits that they did not do their homework their parents are emailed with their submission reason. No more paper homework slips. Sean has helped set up some team members with the same workflow at Village and I have set up a few Forms for NW teachers as well! Check out my guide on creating a missing homework QR code check in:

Coleen Maccracken and Jen Sica also use QR code Google Forms for Maccria Points - Their classroom tool for student self management. Students scan in the QR code and enter their points for each day. Behind the scenes the spreadsheet compiles each students points for the week and even totals up the class for Sica and Maccracken.

Jen Humphreys and Casey VanEpps are using Google Forms for daily reflections following their "Genius 1/2 Hour" activities. Students use Google Forms for reflecting on their problem solving strategies, successes, struggles and utilization of different IB learner profile traits. In addition to this, Jen and Casey have dove head first into Google Forms using them for exit tickets and checks for understanding as well as quick pre assessment strategies to get a gauge on student understanding and learning.

These are just a few examples... The possibilities are endless!

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